Wednesday, March 17, 2010

visit to olomana gardens

Drove to Olomana Gardens with etm. Needed to buy cinder rock but it was great to see their aquaponics set up and discuss plant problems. N. recommended chelated iron for the yellowing plants. She uses Albion, approved for organics. Also discussed pH issues. They use crushed oyster shell, just leave handfuls below the outflow pipe. There plants are very robust and they have a wide variety of species growing in the aquaponics. unbelievable.

I moved a hundred plants to the aquaponics bed #2. The majority of the plants were mesclun mix lettuces (64 cups) but I also put in two peppers, four tomatoes, 14 swiss chard and 16 oregano cuttings.

I fed the worms in the large bin today.

Transplanted 20 grape tomato plants to garden, majority on makai end of beds #7 and #8. I also put six plants in and around the lemon balm near the fence.

Added another section of yard long beans to bed #8. The first planting had a heavy aphid infestation but after being sprayed twice with soapy water, there are fewer aphids.

The bush beans under netting on bed #8 have been thinned and it won't be many days before the plants will be large enough that I can safely remove the netting.

Habanero peppers are beginning to turn color, less fruit fly damage.

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