Monday, March 8, 2010

Still planting seeds

March 8 - 
Today I planted bush beans in rows under the bird net on bed #8. The bush beans will stay in the bed. I also planted a few rows of yard long beans to  be transplanted when the plants are large enough. None of the bush beans T. planted in bed #9 have sprouted. I'm assuming the birds and chickens ate the seed.

The manoa lettuce seeded last week is mostly sprouted. The tomatoes are at the four to five inch stage and will need to be moved soon.

Moved mesclun mix (15 cups), manoa lettuce (18 cups) and sweet basil (35 cups) to the aquaponics bed. Also, moved four cilantro plants to the aquaponics bed. 

Misunderstanding with T. this morning. I'm frustrated on a few levels. It is not just language misunderstanding but the concepts. I find myself doing more myself because of the difficulty in explaining to T. what needs to be done and convincing her of why it needs to be done. 

Significant rain over the weekend. Bush beans in upper bed are still alive.

T. was raking the cut grass in the back corner and using it to place around the papaya and pineapple. I asked her to fill the cows water troughs before she leaves for the day (I checked the water level and it was quite low).

March 6 - 
Nico helped me to build the bird netting over half of bed #8. The idea works well. First we dig in the short poles (two feet lengths) and then attach the netting to a long pvc pipe with plastic ties, then drape the netting over the short poles and attach to a long pvc pipe on far side of bed. The long pvc pipes provide enough weight to keep the netting in place, but can be easily lifted to access the planting bed. The beauty of it that when the plants are large enough so that they don't need the extra protection, the netting can be lifted and placed over another section of bed. The short poles can be left in place.

March 4 - 
Showed T. where to transplant beans and onions and left her to do it. When finished she will work clearing around the papaya. She can continue doing that on Friday as well.

Moved 70 cups of mesclun mix and manoa lettuce to aquaponics.

I seeded half a tray of vermicompost cubes with east-west mix and one tray of cubes of manoa lettuce.
Seeded a row of bush beans in nursery. 

March 3 - 
Watered garden first thing in the morning. Transplanted seven long bean plants to mauka side of established pole beans.

Basil and cilantro transplanted to bed #6, under bird netting. Bush beans moved to bed #3. Left a few bush beans growing among the peppers. Placed 16 bush bean plants in first upper bed by house. Had to let the hose run into the bed. The compost is like dust, unlike the consistency of compost I've used before. Will have to add soil to the upper beds and chop into the compost. However, ground is too wet to dig up soil. 

Researched source for styrophobia's decomposable bags. There are two local distributers. The website gave product descriptions but no prices. Needs further research. Website stated retail packs available at Longs and DonQuiote.

Looked into Ag leases but the DLNR website is not functioning. 

March 2 - 
Seeded additional flats of manoa lettuce on my lanai.
Used pvc pipe to hold bird netting down, draped over short poles, ends and corners a bit loose. 
Dug in an additional trellis for pole beans. 
Found a dead chick floating in aqua plant tank. Took it out and buried it. 
Only the bare minimum of mulch was placed about plants in garden yesterday. Nothing was done to the papaya in back corner. Black plastic is down, but rather random. 

Looked at grants available through Oahu RCD. 
Researched aquaponics, concerned about lettuce, looks too yellow.

March 1 - 
Trimmed back peppers, hoping it will help control aphids. 
Sprayed fruit fly bait.
Watered nursery beds, vermicompost.
Chickens keep filling water with wood chips. Raised the water by using tiles sitting in shed. 
Moved 32 pots of lettuce to aquaponics bed.
Set several tasks for T. and J.: mulch around cucumbers, use black plastic to cover grass, mulch and clean up papaya, showed T. small tomatoes to transplant back by HECO fence (looks better then the high grass) and told them they don't need to weed where nothing is planted, that it is a waste of effort.

Asked Ta. if he could cut pvc pipe into two foot lengths for me. 

Developed a reimbursement form.

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